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JVistes' Weekly Review, Issue #002 -- Jacques testing for BDR Truck...
August 24, 2007
Hi and Bonjour!

English Weekly Review(en francais au bas de ceci)

Welcome to JVistes' Weekly Review and Thanks so much for subscribing.

These past few weeks have been filled with Jacques Villeneuve rumors and finally, it's not a rumor anymore...

Jacques Villeneuve will be testing for Bill Davis Racing, Nascar Truck/Toyota on Monday at Chicagoland. This is the way into Nascar racing. All eyes will be on him and I'm sure we'll see JV's name on Nascar Nextel 2008 roster.

Are we ready JVistes? There's alot to learn about Nascar. The culture, the point system, the top 35 rides, the rules and of course the wonderful Nascar etiquette. :-)

I'm enjoying Nascar now and love to see JPM fitting right in. Even pulled a Gordon/Harvick/Johnson at Glen. Fans loved it and Montoya is officially now part of the Nascar-fold.

Great season for JPM and I'm sure he's grinning with today's news. What great racing we'll see with JV on the track too. Let's show them what legends are made of.


We'll be hard at work bringing you the basics of Nascar Truck racing, JV Nascar news and updates.

The Web site will be busy getting you the best rumors, confirmed news, anecdotes and insider information as best we can. Thanks so much for your support.


Again, thanks for subscribing to JVistes' News. If you would like to share a story or a comment, please do so. We always appreciate the feedback.


Bonne chance Jacques!

Les Nouvelles JVistes

Merci beaucoup d'etre lecteur ou lectrice.

Les dernières semaines ont été remplies de nouvelles et de commentaires de Jacques Villeneuve mais surtout, on nous confirme qu'il 'test' pour BDR Nascar Truck, lundi a Chicagoland.

Question de temp qu'on nous confimera sa presence en 2008 Nascar Nextel.

Je crois toujours -- Jacques Villeneuve sera le premier a gagner les 4 > Indy, F1, Le Mans 2008 ou 09, et Nascar!.

--- Si vous avez des commentaires ou des nouvelles de Jacques Villeneuve, SVP nous les partager en les sousmettants via notre page contact sur le site. --- Encore, merci pour souscrire a cette nouvelle revue pour vous les JVistes.

A bientot!

Go JV Go!

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